Integrity: Honesty, equity & inclusivity, leading by example
Familia: Familia first, traditions, uplift diminished voices
Respect: Respect for self, elders, and others; respect and care for land and environment
Culture & Community: Love, support, and accountability; Building community; Transborder culture
Collaboration: Partnering with residents, government, and others to enhance the quality of life
The mission of Casa Familiar is to enhance quality of life for people living in underserved and underrepresented communities.
We envision healthy, just, and sustainable communities that reach our full potential.
Center Community
Create Opportunities for Upward Economic Mobility
Advocate & Collaborate


Involve community in developing new housing, expand workforce development opportunities and partnerships, and creating neighborhood wellness and a cleaner environment.
Below are just three of the many projects we’re proud of at Casa.

Cultural Corridor
The Cultural Corridor is Casa Familiar’s place-making strategy for the quarter mile of Cypress Drive located in the historic center of San Ysidro, a highly trafficked alleyway connecting the Beyer trolley station to the business district of San Ysidro Boulevard. The ongoing project aims to develop creative interventions to transform this alleyway with poor infrastructure into a vibrant corridor connecting existing community assets while improving social and environmental equity, safety, and quality through public art, safe pathways for pedestrians, appropriate illumination, and speed control for vehicles.

La Semilla
La Semilla Community Resiliency Center will be a first-of-its-kind project marking a significant step forward for environmental justice at the border. The construction project will transform a vacant 7,000-square-foot lot in the heart of the San Ysidro Historic Village into a versatile multi-use center developed to serve residents during climate/emergency events. La Semilla will also provide programming and services year-round to teach residents tools to tackle air pollution, extreme heat, drought, energy use, and other climate/community risks.
Join us on July 31, 2024 for the groundbreaking of this exciting new project.

Air Quality Monitoring
The San Ysidro port of entry is the fourth largest international land crossing in the world! Each day it is approximated that 120,000 vehicles travel between the U.S. and Mexico. With the increase in awareness about pollution and the effects on the planet and on our community members, Casa was the first agency to install air quality monitors in strategic areas around San Ysidro to begin to capture data on how the busiest port of entry in the U.S. is affecting our environment and our health.
“Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.”
Dolores Huerta, American labor leader and civil rights activist