Update, City Closes Beaches and Parks

Dear San Diego Residents,

Join Me for a COVID-19 Telephone Town Hall, Monday, March 23, 5:30 p.m

Join me and Mayor Kevin Faulconer for a Telephone Town Hall on COVID-19 in San Diego tomorrow at 5:30 p.m..  We will share the latest updates and answer questions to keep the community informed.  We’ll be joined by Congressman Scott Peters and local health officials.

All are welcome to join.  You can share questions by posting below or emailing SanDiegoCovid19Townhall@gmail.com by 4:00 p.m.

Call 712-832-8700 and enter pin 416802# to join.  Thanks for staying informed and involved!

UPDATE: City Closes Parking at Beaches and Parks; Gatherings of Any Size Prohibited

Unfortunately, many residents have not been observing the Stay-At-Home order and have been gathering in large groups and not maintaining the social distancing of 6 feet between people.

In response, the City has closed the parking lots at all City beaches and parks to discourage gatherings and encourage physical distancing.

“Public health officials are clear that gatherings of any size can lead to the spread of COVID-19, which is why they continue to be prohibited everywhere, including at beaches and parks,” San Diego Fire-Rescue Chief Colin Stowell said. “Local and state rules limiting groups have been in effect for days, so this should not be a surprise to anyone.”

“People can still go for a walk or run or bike ride, but they should do it while following physical distancing rules,” said San Diego Lifeguard Division Chief James Gartland. “The Stay At Home order makes clear that this is not a time for parties, it’s a time to protect the public health.”

For more information visit the California COVID-19 response website: covid19.ca.gov or the City’s website: sandiego.gov/coronavirus.

In Solidarity,


Georgette Gómez, Council President

City of San Diego, Ninth Council District